We are delighted to launch our African Arbitrator Interview Series today!
The series features African arbitrators in discussion with Arbitrator Intelligence Ambassadors
In our first video, Africa Campaign Co-Chair Alice Gyamfi had the pleasure of interviewing arbitrator and academic Dr EMILIA ONYEMA of SOAS University of London.
We are grateful to Emilia for sharing her insights and experiences.
Emilia on arbitrator appointments:
“We have to rely a lot on personal knowledge and information, who we know, who we have seen act, who we have sat with. Arbitration is very tricky because it is like introducing people.. and they fall in love. When they fall out of love, they come calling that you introduced me to this person and so one has to be more careful with the names you suggest because you want to almost be sure that the names you suggest, they can actually deliver if they get that appointment. The other thing that has really worked well is institutions and groups such as Arbitrator Intelligence and GAR and groups that put names together…We are trying to expand and get more people involved.”
You can watch the video on youtube https://youtu.be/e18MhveSK6c or directly here.
Wolters Kluwer International Group has kindly donated copies of two books edited by Emilia as prizes for this campaign.
Arbitrator Intelligence website can be reached here https://arbitratorintelligence.com/